You-Er Than You Workshop

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You-er Than You WorkshopUnderstanding Yourself and Others Using the Enneagram System$47

During this course you will:

Gain an understanding about yourself that will increase your awareness to what makes you you, and how to show up the with more authenticity, power, integrity, joy, compassion, and groundedness.

Learn to see your clients, employees, colleagues, and yourself show up as their best selves, more compassionate to those around them, leveraging their unique personalities in productive ways that help to grow and further the mission of your organization by leveraging the most valuable asset you have — your people.

Discover how the Enneagram accurately and clearly describes why you think, how you feel, and how you behave in particular ways based upon your core fears and core desires. Then learn what can be done so that you don't fall into self-sabotaging traps.

  • Total payment
  • 1xYou-er Than You Workshop$47

All prices in USD